
Hello, and welcome…

Omolajipe, omo ti a n ji pe; a child we wake up to call. My mother gave me this beautiful name in honor of the fact that my name was the first thing on her lips in every waking moment. I have never for once taken this for granted, and I am in constant awe of her devotion and motherhood. Omolajipe means just that to me; a declaration of devotion. Little wonder why I love so fiercely and desire the same in return. Omolajipe is a brave, little girl, who is unafraid and grabs life with both hands. Omolajipe is a wide-eyed young lady, beaten down so many times, by life’s unforgiving torrential downpours. Omolajipe is a strong woman; equal parts broken and beautiful. These are her stories; her joys, her pains, her laughter, her hurt. Come in and stay a while; laugh, cry and let your heart run wild…xx