Friend or Foe- Time Will Tell

Silent reflection and meditation can reveal major things concerning even the most difficult of situations. I can do neither most times due to certain circumstances, but when I’m am able to do them, I treasure those glorious moments. It is in moments like these that I discover the basic and simple truths which uncover grave secrets; these minute “unimportant” details which unravel the greatest of mysteries.

She came to me as a friend or dare I say, under the pretext of a friend. She divulged numerous secrets, told me of the uncountable plots towards my ruin. She begged me not to rat her out and I promised not to. She advised me to pretend all was well and not to show one single sign of emotion. I was weakened and nearly brought to my knees by her words which slapped bitterness into my already sour mouth. I almost cried, but I took a moment to ponder deeply on her words. They made no sense at all, but I could not jump to conclusion, not yet. I went back to her for clarification and she asserted that all her words were true, providing some evidence to back up her claims.

I went back to my normal activities and carried out a thorough investigation. The revelations are shocking!Indeed there are plots and plans made, nasty words said, evil feelings expressed and extreme views shared by some people. I was beginning to believe her at this point till I was edged on by voice inside me to further investigate. Alas! It was all a set up. The so called plotters had never approached her with schemes or related vices. She had not the slightest clue that I had any affiliations with the persons she accused so the thought of me carrying out an investigation never crossed her mind. I discovered that she was not at all the good friend she pretended to be, in fact she was far from it! Then the thought struck me; what if that was what they wanted me to believe?

Ghost Tale- The Strangers

“You magnify my laziness, yet you give me hope in my hopelessness.” I had no clue what I was saying, but I said these words to him any way and how he laughed! I saw a spark in his eyes; it brought me an inexplicable joy. We went through the day as happy as larks, but the night came with its blanket of darkness. We did not fight, though he upset me. He still managed to steal back into the spot he had carved out for himself in my heart. This was becoming a normal occurrence. We parted ways at night happy, but it was like when he left, my happiness left with him. The usually fully occupied room was as empty as nothing. Now my thoughts swam freely through my head. They swam straight to him.

We were once just fine or was I just oblivious to the problems? They had accused him of doing things; I had come to realize they all just wanted to talk. This time however, they accuse him of saying these things and I know about his ego. Who do I believe? What do I do? Concession: if his ego comes first, then I would rather steer clear. It was not going to be that easy for I could clearly see through his intentions to harm me.

I looked up and I could almost see the end of the ghost tale. Soon we would walk past one another without even knowing the other existed. Our story would become past tense; once friends, now strangers in all ramifications…


“Its a free world, I really couldn’t care less”, she said with a tear almost slipping out. She fought back the tears with not even a speck of cowardice. Her heart was hardened, her mind was stone set and her words showed no emotions whatsoever. She was as cold as the cold wind blows when it snows and its twenty below. She was dead to her emotions, dead to his actions and inactions. I searched her eyes for even the tiniest ray of hope. She had lost all faith and trust in him. The burning passion she once had  in her was now archaic history, only bleak shadows tell the strained tale. An overwhelming darkness had engulfed her and her heart was lost in its raging magnificence.

I was afraid, for I knew the end would be this horrific. He turned her into a dark soul, a vengeful spirit, a murderous body. He had loved her once, he still claimed to, but deep inside her, the conviction she once felt was long gone. She was only trying to hang on till the end when she could let go with ease. He turned on her and bit the very hands that fed him. He paid back her sacrifice with hatred. He covered the shame she had endured because of him with reproach. He coated her scars with lies and deceit. He watered down her glory with mockery and sold her love for a mouthful of insults,

How he disgusts me at this very moment, but what can I do? Who do I stand for? I know what is right, but all I have to back up my allegations are her tales of sorrow and despair. Who do I believe? After all, she is not even in the most minute of ways close to good!  I dare not comment for I myself am not free of problems. One thing however which is constant is the fact that trust, hard work and patience are tremendously required, for these are the pillars of the foundation which is love…xx


Say to me what I want to hear,

Show to me the portions of good only,

Tell me not the truth I need to know,

Give me no reason to worry or fear, thou soothsayer.

Bring to me all your bills which I must foot,

Conceal them as offerings and donations,

Explain to me how these shall add to me,

Charge me heavily for your services, you king of rogues.

Come to me in your time of need,

Beg of me to lend you whatever assistance I can,

Plead with me to see reason with your cause,

Desert me at my point of death, dear fair weather friend.

Take your mistress on that exotic cruise

Leave your family at home; no love for them,

Do the very opposite of what you claim to believe,

Sunday; teach us the evil in adultery, ye hypocrite.

Speak of your undying love for holiness and justice,

Hold your tongue I dare say, you blasphemous creature,

In the end, you shall watch your life fall into emptiness,

The last scene holds your greatest misery, thou so called preacher!