
It draws me in, like a lamb to the slaughter. My naïve mind unaware of the consequences, or maybe just choosing to ignore them. My conceited body craves and begs for this depravity. I am reduced to a simple minded man, begging with no shame at all. I try to turn away, to tell myself no; but the more I run, the closer I get to exactly that which I intend to run from. It is an unavoidable battle, sadly, one that I cannot win. I hate to do this, to want this so much. I am afraid to turn to my benefactor, I hate myself for asking, for wanting. My heart breaks a little more, a tear falls; I am too weak for this, my mind is caving under this intense pressure. I beg my body, but it is merciless as it fans the flames of its want. Curse my desires, set fire to my want, cause this hunger to cease, and be kind unto my gentle spirit…

A box of donuts is all I really want 😭😭🍩🍩 #periodcravings