Giving Away

Another piece written by my mother in celebration of my 21st birthday (18-02-1995). Enjoy…💛

Omolajipe, my daughter, I am not afraid to let go of your hand knowing you have to hold on to another. I’m content with sharing your heart. I have done the nurturing and I have all the confidence that you will continue the journey, with God bearing you every step of the way. I extend a hand of friendship to the next generation. I will always be here…

Birthday Blessings: Omolajipe

A beautiful piece written by my mother in celebration of my 21st birthday (18-02-1995). Enjoy… 💛

Dateline February 18, 1995…

Unto me a beautiful feminine gift was given. Fragile, but very beautiful. And I’m the custodian, for life! Wow! What a divine privilege. Over the next few years, as I began to unwrap this gift, I realized she was, and still is, a bundle of talents. Full of life, I watched as this gift developed and grew even more beautiful wings to fly. I monitored (still do, by the way! Lol!) the flight and to my heart’s rejoicing, the glide has been a great one. You know, I was never afraid of the flight. We prepared for it together and I’m grateful to still be a passenger on board. We’ve encountered mild turbulence, but the Manufacturer has made a sturdy carrier. 

Zoom to February 18, 2016…

I bless God for making me the custodian of a young woman who recognized her onions at a very tender age. I’m grateful to her for trusting me enough to allow me be her best friend as she evolved. She’s one, and the first, of the two best gifts I could ever ask God for. 

Omolajipe! (the name I gave to her at birth) yes, it is the child you call out to first in the morning, after God, of course! I’m most privileged to be your mother and friend. I’m proud of you, all you have ever been, all that you are now, and all that you can, and will, ever be. I celebrate you today as you turn 21, a fully developed gift in flight.

You have chosen a wonderful base for your future flights, being mindful of your cradle base. You have found a worthy recipient of your love and affection, a Chief Pilot. I’m grateful to God for this gift as well. I wish you bliss as you take off and land.  

May God continue to shine His light brightly on your pathway that you do not stumble. Have a most beautiful day! Give yourself a great ‘adult’ treat! Lol! I love you!

xoxo… Mummy

Written by: Yemisi A. Ikuomola 

Guest Feature: Yemisi A. Ikuomola (II)




I hate to bother you with my thoughts like this
But I just cannot help the many questions that pop up
Who else would understand and appreciate them
If not the one involved?
Why this coming back together?
How did it happen?
Was it premeditated?
Was it planned?
Who initiated it?
Were we too hasty?
Did we think things through?
Are the feelings mutual and genuine?
Was there any emotional coercion?
Was there any guilt trip?
Did we take the best course of action?
On my part, I wonder:
Was it so easy for me to be in again? Definitely not
But I could not resist the truth any longer
I had it buried for too long, just needed to admit it to myself
What is your perception of me?
Do you sense genuine emotions or an adventurous mood?
Did you expect what you got? Did you get what you expected?
What are your own true motives?
Are you desirous of a lasting relationship or just in need of company?
Do you mean all you say and write?

My answer? We both had longings long buried
Which time never healed and fate only had one option:
To earth them at the appropriate time
My heart is so believing and trusting
That I think it might be playing tricks on me sometimes
Or am I just plain naïve about the issues of life?
All I can think of is that I feel love afresh!
If it is wrong, then I never want to be right
This is just so wonderful!

Like a young lady falling in love for the first time
I want to experience all that I missed in my youth
Passionate love
Elusive? I think not
If I can feel the way I feel then I am capable of genuine love again
I miss you greatly, I miss you every minute of the day
I wish I could have you in my arms always
Alas! You are thousands of miles away
But I know that very soon
We shall be together again
And that one day we shall be united forever
Pipe dream? I think not!
Whatever the mind can conceive is achievable
IF the feelings are mutual.

What bond of perfection to have a life from you within me
To give life to another of you
Then my love will be fulfilled
If all this is not love
Then I dare say that the dictionary is yet to be complete.

You came back and turned my world upside down, inside out
And I am loving every moment of it
Thoughts of you and our tomorrow keep me awake all night
I no longer dread it, but actually look forward to it
It feels good to have a positive scenario to ruminate about
I don’t know about you, but I want to spend the rest of my life with you
If we are on the same page, what is to stop us?
I love you and mean it with my whole being
Never felt like this before, never expressed it like this before
Never more positive, never more forward-looking
Go on my Love, tomorrow will be okay
If we keep on believing that what we have found
Is indeed true!

You are my First and True Love!
Thank you for coming back to me.

First written in October 2004
Updated October 2014

© Yemisi A. Ikuomola